2021 — My Two-Cents, for What It’s Worth… Posted January 8, 2021 by Gary Paul Wright


Whew!  We made it through 2020, a year that will go down in infamy.  I wish I could say that most of us got through it unscathed, but that’s not quite the case, is it?  Many of us lost dear friends or family members to COVID-19, and if you haven’t, consider yourselves lucky.  Personally, I do feel blessed because neither myself, my husband nor my staff have been infected—thus far.  It’s not that we’ve managed to dodge that bullet known as “The Pandemic,” but we’re following the rules:  washing our hands as often as possible, wearing masks, and keeping a social distance from others wherever we go.

This morning, I queried my staff about what’s ahead in 2021.  I asked them all to give me one word to describe how they’re feeling and what do they expect in the new year.   Karla, who has been with me the longest, said that her word was “CHANGE.”  I found this interesting because she has certainly changed a lot since we’ve been working together.  She went back to school, mostly online, and not only did she get her B.A., but also her Master’s Degree in Business. Unfortunately, some changes were not so good.  Her husband, Mudada Kabir, succumbed to the Corona Virus early on in the pandemic.  But she’s picked up the pieces and has moved forward, especially when it comes to raising their son, Muhammad.

Wali, my second oldest, chose “RESISTANCE” as his word.  I thought that this was a strange word for him because he is another one who has gone through some changes over the last few years himself—most notably, he also went back to school, and is now finishing up his last year at Rutgers University, with an eye on Law School.  Wali is the most political of my team, and the last few days—especially after what we witnessed at our nation’s Capital—he’s been on a tear.  But, you know, he wants to challenge the status quo, so his word actually fits.

Kyrah, our front office headliner, chose “HEALING” as their word.  I’ve known Kyrah for many, many years, having hired them years ago while they were just out of high school.  Since then, though, Kyrah has really gone through some tough times.  Their Mother passed away a few years ago, and around that time, they were hospitalized due to a heart attack.  Having Kyrah back into our fold has really been a healing process for them.  As a gender non-conforming person, the AAOGC is a perfect and safe space for them.   

Mark, who is a couple of years older than the rest of the group (but still way younger than I am…), chose “PROMISING” as his word.  In my mind, this was a perfect word for Mark.  To look at him, one might think that he’s one of those gym-bunnies—he’s got biceps that could crack walnuts. He and his band of cohorts can often be seen cycling up Riverside Drive in NYC, even in the dead of winter.  He eats healthy for the most part, although I’ve seen him tackle some fried chicken from the chicken shack nearby.  In his own way, he actually gives the rest of us hope as he challenges us to be just a little healthier.  Even when dealing with clients, he is always the guy who encourages folx to be the best they can be. 

And finally, the new girl…  Imani.  She has only been with us a week as our Community Health Worker, and we are blessed to have her join the team.  I’d known her husband, Elijah, for many years, but I only met her during this past year.  The word she gave me was “OPTIMISM.”  Perfect.  This is what she will be bringing to the organization, and Lord knows we could use some optimism right now.  To have a brand new staff member full of enthusiasm is something akin to a dream-come-true.  She’s smart, sensible, and very, very attractive—inside and out.  During these stale months ahead, she will certainly be a breath of fresh air—making me optimistic as well.

In case you’re wondering, I chose a word, too: “RESILIENCE.”  Why?  Because that is what I’m feeling right now.  When we had to close in March, like everybody else, I wasn’t sure if we would open back up or not.  I was relieved when we did come back, and the New Jersey Dept. of Health indicated that they would continue to fund us.  It was a great day—I could tell the staff that our jobs were safe—for now.  We have risen above the ashes that have closed so many doors.  Hell, I might even throw away my anti-anxiety meds…

I kind of feel the same way about our country.  Donald Trump will be gone in a few days—that is, if he doesn’t blow up the world first.  At the same time, Little Donald, Eric and Ivanka will be gone.  Melania, too.  Just like 81 million of my fellow Americans, I can’t wait to slam that door behind them.  Joseph R. Biden, Jr., will take the helm, and I have no doubt that better days will follow.  We’ll have a national plan to fight COVID-19, and more people will get vaccinated.  We will fight white supremacy as a nation, and continue to strive for equity and equality for all persons.  We will put on a better face and show the rest of the world that the demagoguery that has plagued us for four years is over.  Ding, dong—the witch is dead! 

Healing, Optimistic, Promising, Resistance, Change and Resilience are going to be the words that will guide the AAOGC for 2021.  Please feel free to add to our list—as long as it’s a positive word.  We won’t settle for anything less.